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State of Literacy w/ Kass & Cornelius Minor (Part 1)

“If we have a moment to capture your imagination, I’m gonna take it”- Corn

In this episode, I sit down with Kassandra & Cornelius Minor of the Minor Collective. We had a candid conversation about the state of literacy. With all of the mandates, expectations, and parameters placed around the classroom, this conversation gives life and hope back to educators. This isn’t new and in this conversation, we discuss ways that you can take action to move literacy instruction in the right direction. Get your pen and paper ready as we laugh, reminisce, and share meaningful ways to center students in our decision!

Full Episode on YouTube:

Find out more about their work at or on Twitter @MsKass1 and @MisterMinor

We Made It! End of Year Reflections

Yes, we started this year off pretty shaky with a lot of bumps and bruises along the way, but we survived! Mourning the loss of some faithful educators along the way, we can definitely say that we learned more about ourselves in the process. I sat down with Nawal Q. Casiano and we had a great conversation about how educators should pause before the busyness of the summer gets in the way. What things worked? What things didn’t? What things should you start? Nawal also gives some great resources to begin this work. Here is the link to her Start/Stop/Keep framework:

Check out her beautiful #31DaysIBOC piece:

and you can follow her on Twitter @NQCLiteracy or visit

Is the Learning Lost or Found?

As we wind down another school year in a pandemic, there seems to be lots of buzz words thrown around as we think of the upcoming school year. LEARNING LOSS are a few of them. In this episode we talk about the danger in starting the year off thinking that our students loss learning. If nothing else, the world taught us more than we could have ever imagined. Eighth-grade teacher, Elizabeth Lacy Shoenberger and I dig deeper into the false ideology that our students have loss learning.
Let me be clear, I do believe in the idea that the school year or lessons have been cut down drastically, hence “unfinished learning” but I want to point out that one focuses on the student being the issue and the other acknowledges that the system has to own it. Two very different paths. During the Educator Collaborative Spring Gathering, Elizabeth, Chris Lehman, and Dr. Keri Orange-Jones unpacked this concept even more! Here is the link to the session: . You can follow Elizabeth on Twitter @LacyLiteracy!

Educators! Self-care is Not Selfish.

Contrary to what others may say, self-care is not selfish. This episode is dedicated to just that. Living through the uncertainty of this pandemic can send the strongest person on an emotional roller coaster and pulling away to take a breath is often pushed to the side. In this episode, I had the opportunity to sit down with Beulah Martin of Be Martin Wellness about self-care for educators. She shares very practical steps of ways that we can start this journey today. For more tips or inspiration, follow Beulah on IG (BeMartinWellness), Facebook (Be Martin Wellness), and .

Creating Spaces for Students to See Themselves Again

Brazilian Educator, Paulo Freire, was known for saying, “students become the teacher and the teacher becomes the student”; however, that can only happen if we are authentic in our efforts. In this episode, I chat with Julia Torres, a librarian, consultant, and writer from Colorado, about ways that our efforts must line up with our beliefs about this very thing. Creating spaces in which student voices are elevated, requires us to be intentional in our planning, teaching, and follow-up. This episode will be one that you will need to pause, rewind, and replay because of all of the gems that Julia shares.

Building Community and Joy in Our Classrooms!

“I can’t teach you, if I don’t know you.” -Author Unknown

One thing that we as educators have learned is the power of human connection. Oh, how we long to hug and be with our students. Unfortunately, we are reminded daily that we are still in a pandemic AND 6 feet apart with masks on is our new temporary normal! I had the chance to chat with LaMar, a middle school English teacher and college professor,  who shared ways that he has and continues to build community while creating an environment of joy with his students, regardless of the environment. If you want to learn more about LaMar, follow him on Twitter at @teachLTL.

Survival Tips for Unchartered Territory

Marian Wright Edelman said, “Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your world and community better than you found it.” With the untraditional start to a new school year, educators around the country are on a roller coaster of emotions. With anxieties around which school opening model districts will land on, missing their students, the inequities that exist in education, it’s challenging not to want to curl up in your bed and wake up when the chaos passes over. So how do we cope? How do we remind ourselves of the silver linings that show up from time to time? Listen to this episode as I give you quick tips that will help to bring you back to your WHY. We all need a little reminder from time to time.

Not Freaking Out! Getting Our Minds Ready for a New Year

Who would have thought that we would still be talking about this pandemic and its effects on education? When we think about all of the events that have surfaced over the past few months, we can’t help but reflect on how this will inform our teaching in the future. Concerns around virtual, blended, or a traditional start, continue to be a topic of discussion. All of these adult decisions are happening, yet we never invited our students to the planning table. How are they handling this? In what ways will it affect their motivation to learn? In this episode, I had a great conversation with my son, Keith! As a high school senior, he shared with me his experience with his teachers and his strategy for staying motivated to work independently.  At the end of the day, we must be reminded that it is not about an impact rather it is about reshaping education.

Get Out of the Box: How to Create a Virtual Space for Student Connection

How do we ensure that we are connecting with our students in a variety of ways? It doesn’t just happen and we must be intentional in our efforts to build and strengthen relationships with each and every child…even in a virtual space. There are many lessons to be learned in a virtual learning space, yet one that continuously rises to the top of the list is the question of equity. In this episode, I had a great discussion with TaTanisha Copeland aka Counselor Lady. In her students’ community internet is scarce, family involvement is limited, and the priorities are not always academics. She shared her experiences of balancing self-care while being creative with connecting with her students. Connecting with all learners, making sure they are all seen and all heard is essential.

A Pandemic Doesn’t Stop Education: Navigating the Virtual World

An abrupt pause to traditional education and the green light on virtual learning. Sounds familiar? In this episode, I had the opportunity to speak with the coauthors of “Read the World: Rethinking Literacy for Empathy and Action in a Digital Age” by Kristin Ziemke and Katie Muhtaris. Teachers are faced with the challenge of engaging and connecting with their students in unchartered territory. The good news is that teaching is not a silo. Kristin and Katie share some great tips and strategies that will help to make the student experience a more meaningful one through the digital world.