Monthly Archives: July 2020

Not Freaking Out! Getting Our Minds Ready for a New Year

Who would have thought that we would still be talking about this pandemic and its effects on education? When we think about all of the events that have surfaced over the past few months, we can’t help but reflect on how this will inform our teaching in the future. Concerns around virtual, blended, or a traditional start, continue to be a topic of discussion. All of these adult decisions are happening, yet we never invited our students to the planning table. How are they handling this? In what ways will it affect their motivation to learn? In this episode, I had a great conversation with my son, Keith! As a high school senior, he shared with me his experience with his teachers and his strategy for staying motivated to work independently.  At the end of the day, we must be reminded that it is not about an impact rather it is about reshaping education.